Tests And Procedures To Assess The Right Prescription For Glasses And Contact Lenses

Getting the prescription right is the most important thing when it comes to getting prescription glasses or contacts. To arrive at an accurate prescription, your optometrist will conduct and analyze the results of several procedures and tests.

If it is your first time getting prescription glasses or contacts, here is what you can expect out of the testing phase.

1.      Pre-testing

Before stepping into the testing room, your optometrist will administer an Optomap retinal exam. The Optomap is a diagnostic tool with a camera that captures a high-resolution, ultra-widefield image of your retina.

The exam can show both ocular and systemic diseases. And all within a very short time since pupil dilation is not required for the exam.

2.      The Eye Exam

Before getting down to the eye exam, your optometrist will want to know about your history. What problems are you experiencing with your eyes, and for how long? Have the problems come on suddenly or gradually over time? Have you worn or been wearing prescription glasses or contacts? Is there a history of eye problems in your family? Such are the questions you can expect.

The first test will involve the optometrist asking you to look at the Snellen eye chart. On the chart are letters, starting with large ones at the top and at the bottom, tiny letters. The optometrist may also gauge your near visual acuity using a handheld chart.

The optometrist will use a slit lamp or a handheld light device to look at your eyes. This test, done under high-magnification, looks at your eye's health, right from the eyelids to the iris.

3.      Retinoscopy

In this procedure, the optometrist will try to approximate the prescription for your prescription glasses. With the lights in the room dimmed, you will be asked to focus on the chart. The optometrist will then shine a light at your eye and keep flipping different lenses before you get an exact prescription.

4.      Additional Tests For Contact Lenses

The outlined tests are not enough to determine an accurate prescription for contact lenses. The optometrist will conduct further tests to determine, among other things, the water content in your eyes, as well as your eyes' diameter and curvature.

Only after conducting all the necessary tests and procedures can your optometrist give a prescription for contact lenses and prescription glasses. With accurate refraction in your prescription, you can look forward to enjoying a clear vision.

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