Seasonal Allergies? 4 Ways To Alleviate Your Symptoms

Seasonal allergies can leave you feeling worn out and not like yourself for days on end. The symptoms you feel could be itchy, watery eyes, cough, sore throat, puffy eyes, sneezing, and even nasal drip. If you have allergies, it's going to leave you feeling ill and this can make it difficult to concentrate or focus on your day to day activities, especially work. To help you alleviate these allergy symptoms, there are a few things you can do. 

1. Try An Over-The-Counter Medication

You should first go to the doctor to have your allergies diagnosed properly. You shouldn't attempt to cure or treat any medical condition without first being diagnosed with the issue. Talk to your physician about your symptoms and what type of medication you should use to treat the condition. Some allergies may require something more than over-the-counter medication. Sometimes they are so severe that they need other medication. If your allergies are not this severe, your physician can help you find an over-the-counter medication that can help you alleviate your symptoms.

2. Avoid High-Allergen Days

Your local weather will tell you when it's a high allergy day. On these days, you should avoid going outside as much as possible. High pollen or mold count days for instance can wreak havoc on you and make your symptoms much worse than if you aren't outside. Try your best to avoid being outside on days such as these.

3. Wear A Face Mask

Wearing a face mask can help protect you from some of the allergens when outside. If you must be outside, try wearing a face mask that shields you from these exterior elements. You may want to think about using a mask when doing things that can irritate your allergies such as when mowing or trimming your lawn when allergens can get blown into your face. Also, wear one when you have to be outside for other things as well.

4. Take A Shower

Showering before bed or throughout the day to wash away the outside elements from the body and from the face can also help alleviate the symptoms of allergies. Shower to wash away the allergens from the body to help prevent you from feeling symptoms when inside your home.

If you have seasonal allergies, these are just a few of the ways to alleviate your symptoms. If you continue to have issues with your allergies and aren't able to manage the symptoms, talk to your allergist about other things you can do.

For further tips, reach out to a local allergy doctor.

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