4 Tips For Recovering From Spinal Surgery

Undergoing spinal surgery is a very serious process. If you want to be able to resume your normal activities, you need to take your recovery process seriously. When it comes to recovering from spinal surgery, there are specific steps you need to take that will aid in the recovery process.

Tip #1: Get Lots of Rest

You need to make sure you allow your body to rest. Get outside help taking care of your home and family. You need to minimize your responsibilities as you work on recovering from your surgery. In the first few days after your surgery, it will be important for you to get a lot of rest.

Even after the first few days, you are going to need to focus your energies on doing the physical therapy you need to properly recover. Build your schedule and support system so you can focus on getting the rest you need to heal.

Tip #2: Take Care of Your Scar

After your spinal surgery, you are going to have a scar. You need to carefully watch your scar in the days after your surgery in order to ensure that your scar heals properly. This is not just any old scar; this is a surgery scar where someone cut into your body.

You don't want your scar to get infected. Infections at the scar site are a common cause of needing to go back to the hospital following a spinal surgery. Your doctor will provide you with specific wound-care instructions. You are going to need to change your bandages on a regular basis to keep the scar site clean until it has time to properly heal.

Tip #3: Eat Healthy Foods

Third, you need to make sure you eat healthy foods. This is not the time to binge eat unhealthy foods. You want to eat smart, healthy foods that will provide your body with the healing energy they need. You don't want to eat any foods while recovering that can lead to inflammation, as inflammation in your spine will interfere with your rehab. Now is the time to switch to a healthy, whole-food diet.

Tip #4: Stick to Your Rehab Schedule

If you want to be able to move around properly in the future, it is important that you stick to your rehab schedule. You need to attend all of your in-person rehab sessions, and you need to do the exercises and stretches that your spinal rehabilitation specialist recommends when you are at home as well. You need to stick to your rehab if you want to get your mobility back fully.

When recovering from spinal surgery, give yourself a few days to really rest. Take care of your surgery scar and follow all your doctor's care instructions. Eat well and take your rehab seriously so you can get your mobility back.

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